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Quest for an ATM.

note: this isn't me! I’ve had rather a busy morning this morning, non stop would be a relevant and apt description. After breakfast, I decided I could no longer ignore the pile of ironing seeing as it had become so high that I had to bring out my step ladder in order to place the latest washed clothes on top of the pile,(joke) and so reluctantly assembling my trusty ironing board and my iron, I proceeded to plough my way through it all.

Whilst I was engaged in my favourite household task (not!) K finally arose from slumber, did as she always does first thing and moseyed into the lounge to peer through the TV Guide for next week so that she could set up her future recordings. Following that, she disappeared into the bathroom for quarter of an hour as she is want to do (the usual sound of mutterings and grumblings heard emitting from there during this time) followed by getting herself showered and dressed.

What are we having for dinner Mum?” First conversation today, and of course on the usual subject. Eye-rolling

We’ll go down to MickyD’s if you want.” (Me thinking to myself, after working my way through this lot, I’ll be in no mood to stand slaving over the cooker, and anyway, we have nothing for me to cook) excuse.

Bring me my purse so that I can check how much I have.” (Me)

As is usual for K, she shot off downstairs to fetch my purse and was back with it before you could blink an eye. (Explanation.) There are only four events that incite K to move like lightening and these are as follows,

   The mention of food or the close proximity of an eating establishment.

    The mention of money OR someone giving me money, as in shopkeeper giving me my change. (hand shoots out and         said change  is in her pocket before either the shopkeeper or I have had time to move.)

    Some post arrives through the letterbox.

    I get a bottle of chocolate milk out of the fridge to put on my Rice Krispies.

SNC13042 I didn’t have enough money! Drat! That meant a walk to our nearest ATM machine for a top up of our loose change.  Oh well, I reasoned, it was a beautiful day outside, the sun was shining and it would do us both good to get some fresh air and stretch our legs. So after completing the mammoth ironing task, we both put our shoes on, grabbed our bags in my particular case complete with camera, and set off full of high spirits only to find when we arrived at the ATM machine that it was broken.

Hmm. Remember dear readers how K hates walking, but!  That hate depends entirely on the goal at the end of the journey!  Remember, there is no way she would accompany me on my C.R.E.W walks if there wasn’t a meal at the end of it!  And so it was in this instance as to my surprise she immediately proposed that we continued to walk down to town in order to achieve the desired  aim of being able to eat at McDonalds. Its amazing isn’t it? The difference that a visit to her favourite eating establishment will invoke! (Well to be truthful, it’s not her favourite eating establishment. That honour goes solely to Jumbo’s, a Chinese Buffet  restaurant in Huddersfield frequented by her and her Dad when he takes her out for the day, where you can have as much as you want to eat until you are bursting at the seams which suits them both.)

And so we continued walking down to town. By now, I was beginning to feel a little frazzled. I had been standing ironing nearly all morning, now I was having to partake of quite a walk and my back began to give me jip. To help take my mind off it, I was busy snapping away as we journeyed along, the flowers, the trees, the library, a strange figure of a white man painted in the library grounds, anything really that caught my eye. Once we had finally withdrawn some money from the ATM outside my bank, the intention was to catch the bus onto MickyD’s  (even with the promise of a meal at the end of it, there is a limit to how far K will be encouraged to continue walking)  but….silly Mum had left both bus passes at home! Grrrr! Well, there was nothing for it but to grit ones teeth and soldier on!

Summer flower beds in the park

Look on the bright side! I told myself, at least it isn’t raining! This time I managed to get my panoramic shot of the flower beds in the Park as well, because there were only two old dears having a natter on one of the benches that surround them, and they were so engrossed in conversation that I honestly don’t think they would have noticed if an entire BBC film crew had been filming them. We continued onto McDonalds. The service in there is getting worse every time we go in. I was the only one  waiting to be served in the restaurant area, but I still had to wait about 10 minutes before anyone attended to me. They concentrate far too much on the customers  in the drive through, and anyone waiting in the restaurant area is  left there tapping their feet impatiently whilst the staff serve the car customers. Grrrr!

Summer chicken supreme K had a Summer Chicken Supreme meal (large size because I am collecting the glasses again) complete with her usual still Fanta orange with no ice, and I had a McChicken Sandwich meal (leaving out the bun of course) with a cup of tea. (Didn’t fancy my usual Grilled Chicken Caesar salad as I am sick and tired of eating salads all the time, and I am slowly beginning to turn green, crinkly and crisp)

At last we arrived home and I could sit down and rest my aching back. Good job that the weather has been lovely today. I was thinking we should go on a walk when I looked out of the window first thing and saw it was going to be nice, but that was before I had begun the ironing task, and I certainly didn’t envisage the two or three mile walk we ended up doing!  A roundabout trip consisting of a little bit more walking than planned but, nevertheless, very enjoyable. Bah! I have just realised! We needn’t have done any of it! Why?  Because McDonalds now have card machines!  Doh!  Will my brain EVER work at full capacity again? 

Quest for an ATM


TG  (More pictures of our walk today HERE.)

23 thoughts on “Quest for an ATM.

  1. Rick Parfitt! That’s hia name! You know – lead singer of Status Quo who I told you about last night. Anyway! Looks like you had a bit of a day of it. I now wait until I’ve done at least two day’s washing before I get to ironing the clobber. I blame the arthrits. As for the ATM, I’ve had that caper more than once. I don’t bother with them now. Just pick a time when the bank will be open and go there! Much easier anyway, and, with being in a wheelchair, don’t want to encourage anything nasty. You never know, do you?Completely sympathise with the back, TG. I’ve felt extremely tired all day today. It usually means i’m in for a bettering with the arthritis. There’s nothing actually wrong, but you feel unwell. I did, and the last thing I fancied was working! Still, when I got there – as always happens, I get into conversations in the hospital and the lethargy, or whatever it is, clears off and leaves me alone for the rest of the day, or, at least until I’m sitting at the mixing desk, playing me fave records. It’s then that I need a pillow. Oughta keep one there. Sling it on the desk and slump out. Nobody would notice;-) Well, ‘cept me listeners, of course!

  2. I couldn’t see the video either. It says it’s private. About our brains working at full capacity, I’ve found that mine does work at full capacity when I don’t need it to, but develops some Swiss cheese holes when I need it to work flawlessly. Of course I’m only a shrink. What would I know about brains?Peace, Doc

  3. Sorry about that folks, will check on the vid settings and change them. Blasted YouTube! Again.! Come back Soapbox, all is forgiven!

  4. Try it now folks and let me know if you can all view it okay! I have tested it with me other ID and it plays for me. Also, don’t quite know what occured with the music half way in, it doesn’t have that interference on the original so must be YouTube ruining it or it has occured during the ‘load up’ to there and their processing. I have never ever had this bother with Soabox all the time I have used it. Click on the HD to see it better. All created using the new Movie Maker and using its AutoMovie feature.

  5. Yup. Works for me now, TG. It was set to private viewing last night, which was what the "no play" was all about. Lovely pictures you used and just adored the soundtrack.

  6. Thanks for all the kind comments and I am glad that you can all view it now. I can see me keep ‘bumping my head’ against this copyright thing though as I do tend to rely heavily on my film albums for the soundtrack on any movie that I make, such as the soundtrack from Dances With Wolves (this one) Last of the Mohicans, and Lord of the Rings to give some examples. They tend to be more atmospheric (which is why I use them) and if as occured with the last video I made when testing the new Movie Maker, I do infringe copyright causing YouTube to ‘mute the soundtrack’ their suggested alternative tracks are absolutely naff! Anyway, they did send me a warning down about Sony etc, but this time, did not remove the soundtrack, although its spoiled by the interference half way through……*sigh*

  7. McD’s is a wonderful place….meets your every need! Unfortunately USB modems are not so great and since this one is currently snail pacing it on GPRS I cannot persuade your fine and wholesome video to play! I will retry sometime after midnight when this ‘device’ usually switches over to 3G+ and behaves sensibly…ish ;))

  8. Yes sorry about that Europa, its HD you see, and therefore slow connections will have problems I’m afraid. Jen if you hover (pun) over that pic, you will see my comments which dear readers I always put in writer under my pictures (not the same thing obviously but I always put something)

  9. No Tracey I’m not! I have cheated and let the new Live Movie Maker make the video for me using the new AutoMovie feature! Thanks for the comments everyone

  10. I’m not terribly keen on McDonalds, but my sons are. Are they still doing the cheese bites or the Crunchy McFlurrys? Now those were worth a walk. J x

  11. Hiya T.G. Loved the video. The flowers are beautiful and K looks really happy. What a tiring day, though! I don’t do ironing. Hope you have had a splendid weekend. P.S. Lead singer of Status Quo is Francis Rossi.

  12. That’s it Penny! Francis Rossi! He with the pony tail! LOL Don’t know ravingpoet about the cheesy bites, the McFlurry’s at the moment are special ones called cornetto’s. mint, chocolate and strawberry I think.

  13. LOL or ironing with attitude! (mind you, my ironing board, which is past its sell by date by a long chalk seeing as it gets ignored so much) would collapse if I stood on it like that!

  14. But then, so would I, so I wonder if that means I’ve passed my sell by date ….. Mmmmm. no wonder there are no offers!!

  15. I LOVE this blog entry! I think that when all is said and done you two ended up having a wonderful stroll and I must say the panoramic is beautiful! And I think the two people engrossed in conversation is a nice touch to the shot! I have to still check out the video and other pics, so off to do that now….

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